Monday, June 25, 2012

4 Easy Tips Towards Self Improvement and Goal Setting + 6 Great Articles!

         After a surge of inspiration and motivation, I've sat down and composed some of my summer 1:57 am. The goals are as follows.

        I talked about most of my goals in the video, but there are many that I keep adding. These goals are for the summer, so they are short-term. I strongly recommend setting a few of your own-both short term and long term.
        I've gotten down to making my budget and it looks ridiculous. Most of my money goes to food and now I am paying much more attention to how much money I spend as well as where that cash goes to. I've also realized that many of my goals are intertwined. For example, the less money I spend on food (bad, icky, restaurant food that I can easily make at home), the less weight I gain. Bam! Two birds with one stone!

       If you wish to set goals of your own, I suggest

  1. Set extremely specific goals. Instead of saying "Read some more book over the summer", say "Read 12 books by August 31,2012"
  2. Set realistic goals-still above your standard, but realistic nonetheless.
  3. Have strong reasons for goals. You will need to have something to go back to for why you are putting yourself through hell to accomplish this goal.
  4. Document your process! This way, you can see exactly where you are on your path towards the completion of a goal. (Pictures for weight loss, excel spreadsheets for spending, wrappers of Starburst to live in shame later.
      For more goal planning and tips check out these articles:
  1. Personal Goal Setting: Planning to Live Your Life Your Way
  2. 12 Things Successful People Do Differently   (I *LOVE* this blog.)
  3. 6 Ways to Beat Procrastination
  4. Procrastination
  5. 10 Time Management Tips That Work
  6. Unleash the Power of Weekly Goals

I hope you set your own goals in motion!
Best regards,

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