Sunday, July 15, 2012

Summer Wishlist

(click to zoom!)
The Oxford shirts are currently on sale too! Time to stock up!
So far, with my paycheck I cannot afford any of these items. BUT, a girl can wish right? Have a fabulous week!  

Saturday, July 14, 2012

15 Weekend Links; Hair, Food, Recipes, Style, Photography

                                     Beach Ballerina
                    For this and thousands of other amazing photographs, click here

Happy Saturday! While I will be watching, re-watching, memorizing line for line my favorite episodes of Girlfriends, I thought you could use some fun from around the world. Or simply the internet. Let's go!


I really messed up. I've hurt a person who deserved to be loved instead and I've spent a year trying to fix it. (It's actually even more than a year. But who's counting?) In reality, I know that I have made a crucial mistake and that is immoral and has left a lasting impression on both that person and myself.

Though I have apologized profusely, there seems to be no middle path he and I can take. He is upset. I am upset, and pride gets in the way. It has been a year since we really spoke and when we met up to simply resolve any bruised feelings left, it was a really heavy encounter.

It served as a lesson to me: I can only beat myself up for so long before I stop and focus on me. That sounds selfish, but every person has his or her extent that she or he can go. (I'm not even saying 'willing'. 'Can' is much more powerful.) I was willing to go forever, but I could only wallow for so long. A whole-hearted apology, (or 3 in my case), a polite conversation, and full surrender of openly and strongly expressing my mind later I understood that the best I can do with my life is move on.

I know, this has been the most ambiguous post I've ever made, but it should serve less of a story and more of a lesson. I as a person will make mistakes. I have. The best I can do, is to fix them to the best of my ability, going out of my way even. However, after some time (or a lot of it), I must succumb to the reality that some things cannot be changed. It's best to simply learn from my mistakes rather than dwell on them.

Love yourself. Learn from your mistakes. Move on. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

4 Great Style Inspiration Websites! 16 Fabulous Outfits!

1. I'm all for finding great inspiration. Cupcakesandcashmere, blog run by Emily Schuman from the fabulous LA, is a collection of simple yet sweet things that appeal to her eye. Did I mention she is also an author For style photos, decor advice, cooking ideas and other amazing finds, click here
Photos sources:

4 Great Food Blogs, 7 Easy, Delicious Recipes

I love to cook. Seriously. Okay, yes, many things have burned and I am no Julia Childs but I do think it is quite relaxing. So, get prepared for the most yummiest recipes from all over the web. Links, recipes, details and all!
P.S. (SIDE NOTE) I like to make these types of posts to show that a person doesn't need expensive tools ($50 cooking books, expensive skillets, illegally acquired truffles. . . ) to make an amazing meal. Moreover, this is a deeper lesson; if you seek, you shall find. If anyone needs help finding any resources, I'd be glad to help. 

Recipes for any occasion-Cocktail Party, Thanksgiving, BBQ with the family. The site also is divided into different categories such as Cuisine (Asian, French, Italian, Mexican, etc), Techniques ( knife skills, baking), Travels (Europe, Asia, Carribean).
Porechetta Sandwiches
I won't lie-some of the ingredients are not even recognizable to me. However, it looks delicious so I will go out of my way to decipher the author's intent.
Porchetta Sandwiches, Portland Food Trucks

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Photo Journal- July 5th

My friend and I decided to be adorable and cook together. We are no master chefs though, so the food was simple and to the point-steak (covered with the most expensive spices called Le Salt and Le Pepper. Rare stuff.), garlic bread, cooked vegetables, and pasta. This dinner is also called "I know how to make pasta and just add some meat to it" dish. Next feat of our culinary skills? Ramen noodles.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Photo Journal- July 1st

So, this week was interesting. I got a new job, and I am now a professional, $9.25 an hour, adult working girl. If that sounds like something out of an "adult finder" ad, I apologize. That was not supposed to take such a drastic turn. I've also been super busy with catching up on sleep. I've noticed that most of my photos include food. (Ill work on that) I will do a makeup video this week for you guys, but now I am absolutely exhausted. Beach  tomorrow!
I miss my orange hair :/ 

Oh yeah, share me!